Assassins in Snow!

None of the seasons in Alamut Valley can be as adventurous as  winter. This valley gets different colors in each season; Spring, green; Summer, yellow:; Fall, orange and red; And finally winter, White with snow. In snow time, reaching to the valley sometimes has a little more time-spending factors i.e slowing down while driving or even using chains for the tires, but I can not tell it is life-risky, since the locals have their routine transportation no matter how much it snows.
Road to Alamut Valley in Winter time.
If you compare the pictures with the ones we have in other seasons, you can amaze the difference which happens in less than two months. The first stop is at Ovan lake. This lake is completely frozen in the middle of the winter and the pictures of this post were taken at the beginning of it.  
The lake is mirroring snowy mountains in it.
Autumn colors faded into winter and snow!
  After the lake, heading up to Alamut castle is a new level of fun and challenge. Completely snow-covered passages, with the spectacular cold-weather scenery well worth trying.
Alamut Castle in Snow.
Assassins in snow.
The Assassins most probably were very well-equipped for coping with this snow.
Be ready to walk in snow!
View from Alamut Castle.
Trekking in the mountains.
Me and Laurent!
The hand-caved hole in the mountain of the castle with a perfect view.
Alamut Caslte - I wonder where the eagles stay at this cold snow?!
Gazorkhan Village in Snow.
The view from Alamut castle in winter.
This is not a Hollywood animated scene from "Lord of the Rings"! This is Alamut Valley in Snow Time!