Qazvin, Relax into Culture!

You can relax into culture in Qazvin, a historical once-the-capital city of Iran in about five hundred years ago. Go to Qazvin just after your flight to Iran, take your time to regain your energy. Walk a little bit in the old bazaar of the town and have a coffee in many cafes in the new bazaar (Caravansaray).
the photo shows a bread named lavash in iran.
Lavash - a typical bread in Qazvin.
What is special about Qazvin?
You will see in Iran we have three main bread types. Bread is Naan /nɑːn/. Quite like the Indian term for one type of bread they have. The most traditional form of bread in Iran is called Lavash /lævɑːʃ/ . Its pronunciation is very close to the French term for "the cow" (la vache), but it has anything to do with the cow! This bread should generally baked in tandoor which is kind of a clay oven instructed in ground or on a standing counter. North and Northwest Iran is the main home of this family of bread. It is quite thin (normally less than five milimeters) and possibly round or oval. Good news! Qazvin is THE place to find the best quality lavash in Iran! Take your time to stand in the queues inside the traditional bakeries to buy some breads. When you get them they are quite hot and you should wait to cool them down!  
barbari is the thickest bread type in iran.
Barbari Bread
The second most famous bread in the region is called Barbari /bærbæriː/ Unlike Lavash, this bread can be quite thick (up to almost three centimeters) and looks flat. In United States and Canada, they call this type of bread "Persian Flatbread". Barbari is originally from Northwest Iran and interestingly the bakers of this bread in all over Iran are from this region. Eating these breads, a way in qazvin, relax into culture.
in Qazvin you will find trucks and trolleys selling fruits
Fruit Trucks & Trolleys - Qazvin
Want to buy some tons of fruits?
Qazvin is among the last old towns in Iran which the dragon of civilization has not eaten up yet! When you are in central streets of the town, you will see small trucks selling tons of fruit. They have their own megaphones installed on the trucks, calling people to buy fruit and vegetables from them. If you walk at the old bazaar, you will see some wooden trolleys which the locals have been using them for centuries to sell stuff on them.
Traditional Spinning Thread in Alamut Valley - Qazvin by an old lady.
Traditional Spinning Thread in Alamut Valley - Qazvin
Alamut Valley
Qazvin is both the name of the province  and the capital town of this province . Alamut Valley is located in northern part of the province at Alborz mountain ranges. There is a lot to explore at this valley. To reach Alamut, you have to go to Qazvin as the gateway to the valley. You will see women in quite colorful clothing (unlike all-black trendy urban dress code) and men wearing local hat and costumes. By this we mean Qazvin, relax into culture. Spinning thread in a traditional way, next to sheep and goat breeding and milking and finally honey making are all among the cultural highlights which you can have the opportunity to see in Alamut Valley.
An Alamuti elderly man wearing a local hat.
An Alamuti elderly man wearing a local hat.
After moving from Qazvin to Alamut, try to spend some time with the locals. Behind their wrinkled faces and hands, they have stories to tell you, from the good old days ...
Qazvin & Alamut, where you witness the history!
Qazvin & Alamut, where you witness the history!
Contact us to take you through narrow streets of Qazvin to the vast mountainous Valley of Alamut, in both will have a lot to present to you about our culture and our history.
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2 thoughts on “Qazvin, Relax into Culture!”

  1. Pingback: Vegetarian Travelers to Iran – Gate Of Alamut

  2. Pingback: Visit Alamut Valley - Gate Of Alamut

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